People I Know:
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My first real song, describing my delightful mother! (3/21/15)
Another song about my dear mother. She likes New Orleans Zydeco music, so I tried to get that feel with my accordion. Her 92nd birthday is coming up on July 28th. (4/5/20)
Three-year-old granddaughter Mika learned all the words of “Amazing Grace” as her father sang it at bedtime. (Her version says “Amazing Grapes!”) Since her sister had a song about her name, I decided to write one for Mika. Her name in Japanese means “beautiful song,” and her middle name means “light.” The song includes those ideas, plus scripture from Zephaniah 3:17. (7/16)
A neighbor challenged me to put some of his poetry to music. This one is about Alvin’s marriage to his lovely wife Josie. (10/2/16)
In honor of daughter Elaine–a faithful Waffle House employee and loyal family member. (12/12/16)
While sitting on the couch strumming guitar with my 5-year-old granddaughter, she came up with the words of this chorus. I added more to it later–and had a song written by Mellie and me! (3/24/17)
“Truth”– spoken by a wise mother. (4/6/17)
She’s so FUN! (7/27/17)
This little tune came from grandson Ben’s toddler years, when he often gave that “No I Not” response! It became a family slogan that we recall fondly and use often. It was fun recording Ben’s young cousin Mika as the toddler voice.(8/27/20) (SEE VIDEO)
A humorous take on a true story that a friend told me. Many of us can probably relate to this family.
This was inspired by the wonderful photographs my sister shares with us. It honors the photographers among us – who capture beauty and preserve our memories in pictures. (3/28/20) (SEE VIDEO)
In loving memory of Mary Beth: This song describes a phone call to her older sister… though the conversation is mostly fictional. It’s about Mary Beth’s neat idea for her “prom party”. 9/15/18
In gratitude to Larry and Patty Lilly who generously house and feed us on our visits to Columbus. 4/16/19 – (SEE VIDEO)
All songs recorded by Tommy Marsh at
© 2018 Judy Diane Demers | All Rights Reserved
New Arrivals:
Everything I Own
About my recent moving adventure…
Tommy Joe
about a friend whose wife died.
Gifts From God:
When old habits hold us back, when we struggle with guilt and past failures, this song expresses hope and freedom through God’s grace.(6/4/20) (SEE VIDEO)
When my sister showed me photos of a Prayer Tree she saw while sightseeing in N. Carolina, I was struck by the idea, and couldn’t forget it. Thank you, Lynn, for the inspiration and photos. 8/4/20 (SEE VIDEO)
Verse 1 was written at a spiritual retreat when we sat under shade trees and composed a poem. Months later I opened my Bible to search for inspiration to continue, and it fell open to Psalm 93 – which amazingly contains some of the same ideas of my song. I felt that God wanted me to continue – and I soon finished the song. (2/1/16)
My arrangement of two favorite hymns. (4/10/16)
A message to women in prison. Also in appreciation for the work of Kairos Ministries. 11/12/18
Dedicated to granddaughter Ravan, who grieves the absence of her parents as she grows up in the care of her grandmother. Our Father God is always with us. (6/6/17)
Inspired by a radio sermon I heard, by a pastor who wrote a book called “Unstuck”. (1/22/19) (SEE VIDEO)
Inspired by a sermon from Pastor Cornelius Atkinson at the Church of God retreat at the Billy Graham Training Center in Asheville, NC (12/2/19)
Inspired By Alvin:
My Tai Chi instructor says, “One step at a time brings you back tomorrow.” It was fun composing the song with friend and fellow tribe member Alvin! (5/31/17)
From a poem written by friend Alvin Bartz. (9/16/16)
A neighbor challenged me to put some of his poetry to music. This one is about Alvin’s marriage to his lovely wife Josie. (10/2/16)
Lyrics by Alvin Bartz, Music by Judy Demers, Vocals by Kat Richards (3/19/17)
Recorded by Tom Marsh at Sound Ideal Studios
Cage Free:
Written after talking to our granddaughter on her 6th birthday – no celebration with friends, playgrounds closed, etc. It spoke to me. (4/4/20) (See VIDEO)
Based on wisdom from the book “Power of Positive Thinking” (SEE VIDEO)
Commentary on the current social and political scene.
A phone call from my son prompted this song – about a boy’s relationship with his stepfather. It should be sung by his stepfather – please excuse my vocals! (1/13/18) (SEE VIDEO)
Tsunami (6/25/17) In a magazine article the author described his mother as an “emotional Tsunami”. I latched on to that idea.
“Copacetic”. In tribute to courageous daughter Elizabeth – who endured and prevailed thru serious illness and extreme difficulties, while single-parenting her young son. You are deserving of praise, dear one! (SEE VIDEO)
Some ideas from a poem by Alvin Bartz. Others come from advising a granddaughter to use her time wisely. 9/17/18.
A song of reconciliation. 9/29/18 Oregon – Judy Demers
Written by Maga and Melody – while keeping my little granddaughters busy during the move, I picked up Melody’s uke, and we sat on the floor and made up a song about what was happening. (5/25/19) (SEE VIDEO)
Written in Alabama, while we were escaping a hurricane. One day I noticed a man sitting on an upside-down bucket by the road. Made up a song just for fun. Got my brother-in-law to star in the VIDEO.
Featuring photos from our 38 day cruise in the South Pacific Ocean. A truly splendid getaway! (1/16/20) ( SEE VIDEO)
Recorded /produced by Joe Mac at Ace Guitar and Vocal Music Studio
Shades of Love:
Written for my son’s wedding
Also written for my son’s wedding
(Dedicated to my husband) I happened to use “smitten”in a conversation, and my friend commented that it was an unusual word. “Yeah – it could be in a song” I said. A few days later while trying to fall asleep, I tried to remember the strange word – and a song came with it! (1/14/17)
You I Crave (1/14/18) To my Husband!
“You By My Side”. Dedicated to Elizabeth & Jim on their wedding day. For all that you’ve already meant to each other, and for the future God is giving you together – We celebrate! (SEE VIDEO)
This began in a songwriting class where we were instructed to write about a famous person. Having just seen a documentary on the anniversary of the death of Princess Diana – that’s what came to mind. 9/4/17 (Photos from Barb Sarratt) (SEE VIDEO)
Thoughts about my marriage and life with Don. 1/5/19
Celebrating Judy and Don’s 30th Wedding Anniversary. Written by Judy, vocals by Carol Mitchell. (11/11/2019)
During Don’s hospitalization for knee surgery I left his water glass on the table the whole time – somehow a comforting symbol of his presence. 10/16/18 (SEE VIDEO.)
Florida Specials:
Celebrating our first delightful Christmas in Florida. (12/18/16) (SEE VIDEO)
Watching endless coverage of Hurricane Michael during my husband’s hospitalization, I was caught up in the drama and “had” to do a song. (10/10/18) Vocals by Carol Mitchell. (SEE VIDEO)
Recorded by Tom Marsh at Sound Ideal Studios
Commemorating our day in lovely Sarasota, Florida. (10/22/19)
After attending a music jam with cousin Eunice, she commented, “You should write a song about Madeira.” But I wondered what could possibly rhyme with “Madeira”?! Couldn’t resist the challenge; wrote the song the next day. Written by Judy, vocals by Carol Mitchell. (4/18/19) (SEE VIDEO)
A humorous song written during a pool tournament here in Village Green. Video features Kat Richardson, Alvin Bartz, Joanne Champagne, and Donald Demers. Vocal by Joe Mac. (SEE VIDEO)
Recorded /produced by Joe Mac at Ace Guitar and Vocal Music Studio
Line dance instructor Phil commented that it would be fun to have a special dance for our class. So I wrote a song for it. (4/14/2018) (SEE VIDEO)
Written the day after Mom played in the Village Green Gospel Jamboree. You GO, Mom – Don’t Stop. (11/7/18) (SEE VIDEO)
Song Gail Lang wrote about Judy.
Recorded /produced by Joe Mac at Ace Guitar and Vocal Music Studio